Search Results for: bone

Shoulder Impingement

One of the most common sources of pain for athletes or gym rats is the shoulder. This often leads to altering


Constipation. Bet you didn’t think this was something you could go to Physical Therapy for.  Book an Appointment Am I really

Activation Exercises: Glutes

Glute activation refers to activating or “firing” of the gluteal muscles in an effort to strengthen them. For many individuals, the gluteal

Hip Pain and Pregnancy

The long 9-month road of pregnancy will undoubtedly lead to a woman developing all different aches and pains. One big complaint heard in the clinic

Stress: Find Relief

Stress. We all experience it throughout our life at varying levels of severity, whether it be constant worry and stress over

Pelvic Floor

The pelvic floor, maybe you’ve heard of it or maybe you haven’t. Everyone has one though (yes, men have them too),

Female Athlete Triad

The Female Athlete Triad is a term for a group of three conditions that commonly occur together, especially prevalent in young

Tissue Healing Process

A commonly asked question is how long the healing process takes after injury. While there is no simple answer, the process