Whole Body Care

Clinically, biceps tendonitis patients will be present with a rounded shoulder posture that will decrease the available space for the humeral head (upper arm bone) to move within the glenohumeral (shoulder) joint. This can create friction along the biceps tendon, which can be irritated by repetitive movements (throwing a baseball or performing an overhead press).
Studies have shown that weakness in the hips have a direct corrrelation with knee pain, shin pain, hip pain, ankle pain, and low back pain. Restrictions in the hips can even be responsible for shoulder and elbow pain!
So what does the concept of the kinetic chain have to do with your health and understanding of musculoskeletal injuries? Simply put, this concept helps inform us that joints in the body can cause dysfunction elsewhere in the body.
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Learn how to injury-proof your ankles from David Reavy in the September Issue of Mens Journal.
Sensory deprivation tanks have been around since 1954 and have had many uses for the purpose of meditation, relaxation, and various forms of alternative medicine.
Iliotibial band syndrome is a common injury among runners, cyclists and other athletes that involves the outer portion of the knee joint. The IT band is a thickening of fascia that begins near the hip joint.
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