What is the Role of a Student Physical Therapist?

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Low back pain usually stems from the overuse of other muscle groups, specifically the hamstring, hip flexors, and QL (quadratus lumborum). These overused muscles pull the pelvis and lumbar spine into a position where the muscles that stabilize your hip and pelvis can no longer fire properly.
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When attending physical therapy, you enter a world of rehab aides, office coordinators, and therapists: the ones that treat you. Physical
Balance equals control. The more balanced we feel as individuals the more control we tend to perceive in our daily lives.
What is your Transversus Abdominus (TA)? It is the deepest abdominal muscle that runs longitudinally across the trunk like a belt.
For most people, physical therapy enters their life as part of recovery from an injury or procedure. But David Reavy, PT,
Tyler Spine Flexion
Spine flexion/bending forward, some fear it but we’re here to tell you it is SAFE to do! “Lifting with a neutral
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