
Get health and wellness insight and advice on how to get back to pain-free movement. New blogs are updated regularly relating to various physical therapy conditions and wellness.

Missy- Bike
Is the outside of your knee screaming at you after (or worse, during) cycling? The IT band can experience friction as…Read more...
Cyclist Youtube
Does it hurt behind your knee while riding? Hamstring strength might contribute. Strong quads are the poster children for us cyclists,…Read more...
Knee Pain Routine
Knee pain is a very common limiting factor in keeping up with training routines, whether it’s cardio or weightlifting. Most often,…Read more...
This article provides helpful tips and easy exercises to prevent knee pain. Read more...
John Kim_Studies-04
It is estimated that between 30-70% of habitual runners develop some type of repetitive stress injury on a yearly basis. Read more...
Pain is your body’s way of telling you that something is wrong. Low back pain usually stems from the overuse of other muscle groups, specifically the hamstring, hip flexors, and QL (quadratus lumborum). These overused muscles pull the pelvis and lumbar spine into a position where the muscles that stabilize your hip and pelvis can no longer fire properly.Read more...
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