Whole Body Care

Tyler Spine Flexion
Spine flexion/bending forward, some fear it but we’re here to tell you it is SAFE to do! “Lifting with a neutral
Newsletter Story Image (4)
A CAR stands for a controlled articular rotation and it is an expression of a joint’s full range of motion in
Biomechanical Insights_ Knee_Moment
Most people don't realize that there's rotation to the shin bone on the thigh bone. This is one of the things that we look at when we're assessing how your leg moves because it's really important for doing motions like squatting, standing up from a chair, going up and down the stairs. Assessing this joint mobility of rotation is really important and it can make an impact on your biomechanics at the hip and the ankles so it's really important to look at this aspect of the knee in addition to how well it straightens and bends.
Gardening (1)
Spring is in the air and if you are like me and enjoy gardening, don’t miss out on these simple exercises
JacksonWalking (1)
Humans were built to move frequently throughout the day, not just cramming all our movement into a 30–60-minute exercise session.  In addition
The first and foremost way for athletes to develop their balance is through dynamic stretching, requiring full-body movement. It is more
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