Whole Body Care

Come early: It gives you time to get settled and even better, to get a little warmed up first. All of
Can you hold each consecutive pose for over 30 seconds? If not, you could be at an increased risk of falling.
Rachel Bridge
The glutes are a very important muscle for our daily movements including standing up, walking, and going up and downstairs. The
BeFunky-design (3)
Does your back ever hurt after doing a deadlift? Here are some tips we use to reduce the risk of injury!
Sleep (2)
Sleep is a critical determinant of health and well-being. While many consider it a passive process, it is not! Many active
Salad recipe
Lakeshore East‘s Michele Schultz, PT, DPT shares her recipe for Winter Beet and Pomegranate Salad + Balsamic Dressing! Give it a
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